Homeland Security

wilkinson county msThomas C. Tolliver, Jr.

Contact Information
525 Main Street
PO Box 516
Woodville MS 39669
Phone: 601.888.4381
Cell: 601-870-1809
Fax: 601.888.6776
Email: emergencymgnt@wilkinson.co.ms.gov

What is Homeland Security? Homeland Security is a concerted State and National effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the State, reduce our vulnerability to terrorism and or any disaster that may occur, minimize the damage, and recover from events that do occur.

Mississippi has a multi-hazard approach to emergency planning, including terrorism. This means that the state has plans in place to cover all types of disasters. In fact, the State published an Annex to the Comprehensive Plan addressing terrorism preparedness and response in 1999. Since September 11, 2001, the focus has been updating the state's emergency response plan in areas specifically relating to terrorism.

If you have an emergency or would like to report suspicious activity, please dial 911.

Visit the Mississippi Office of Homeland Securit​y website​.